Meet Our Staff

We are here to help our community. Giving a Hand Up not a Handout. We are the voices of those that cannot speak or are not heard. We stand up for the rights of everyone, and we make sure that EVERYONE is heard. 

Melissa Johnson

 Executive Director

Melissa is the CEO and Co-founder of Fearless Community Inc. Melissa is also a Florida Licensed Community Health Worker, and holds degrees in Paralegal, Business focusing on Criminal Justice, she is a Certified SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access & Recovery (SOAR) worker, as well holds a Masters Certification in overall Life Coaching; Melissa is the type of leader that is seen and heard. She advocates for those in need, she doesn’t sit in an office and expects others to fight the fight. She works directly with the people, right in the “trenches” with the unhoused. She was awarded the “KEY TO THE CITY” of Pensacola for her work in combatting the homeless encampment under the I-110 interstate which had over 200 homeless individuals. She goes the extra mile when it’s needed, she makes sure that they know that they are of value, that their matters are worth our time, no matter their situation.

Gina Hertz

Board Member

Gina holds a degree in Health and Human Behavior and is a board member of Fearless Community Inc. Gina works alongside the clients from the streets to housing. She teaches those in need to read & write, her tender heart helps the clients trust her. She sees a problem and works the details out to get it resolved as quickly as possible. Gina helps clients apply for food stamps, job placement, setting up doctor’s appointments, transportation cards, insurance, and other services they need. She uses her education to help others go forward in life.  


Our Aim

Our volunteers love what they do, and that's what makes them so special.

We have many more people behind the scenes, many organizations that we work with for a person’s success. We are always looking for volunteers to share their knowledge and insight to better help our community.

Volunteers We have some dedicated people that come out with us they help feed the people so that our case workers can work directly with people and get their paperwork completed. Without their amazing support we would not get to half as many people as we do in a day.